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Store Policy

Customer Care

Thank you for taking the time to review this page. Our goal is to provide the utmost customer satisfaction experience and help people to enjoy the game without anything getting in the way of that. We do our best to keep open channels of communication so you can always contact us if you have any concerns.


One thought that goes through the minds of many people looking to purchase online content will always be "Is this a scam?" We can tell you it's not, but we would encourage you to read our reviews and decide for yourself! Thank you for stopping by!

Privacy & Safety

Your privacy is extremely important to us. Your personal information entered into this site is used for standard store practices such as servicing your account, contacting you regarding orders and promotions, managing your requests, identifying trends in the sales and usage, determining the effectiveness of a promotion and improving our service and your experience.


Your information will not be shared without your consent except in cases where we may be working with an affiliate or business interest that may require it. In those cases, they will be bound by our privacy policy as well.


To review the full terms of the policy, please see the AC Treasure Cove Privacy Policy

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

Payment Methods
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